Two Anonymous Poems

prayer of the heart


I sit in my golden shitbox

The ebony prayer beads pass through my index finger and thumb

Twenty-five, fifty, one hundred times

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner

Jesus Christ, have mercy on me

Jesus, mercy


Every Easter

She tells me

That wrinkled woman from a bygone age

Of death and decadence

She tells me

You will be a priest

Yes, with

your green Franciscan eyes,

your slender Sufi fingers,

your bare Druid’s feet

your empty throat

You must be a priest

Passed down that immortal soul

That vine of so many fruits

That ancient forest which has

Grown and burned,

Grown and burned,

Grown and burned,



Residual Believers

Residual Believers is an open call publication for artists whose work has been influenced by their experience with Catholicism.